Looks like you are looking for an application (software) which would help you quickly and easily record completed farm work tasks, right? If so, in this blog post you will find some useful information on this subject!
Here are some of the reasons why we would want to record completed tasks on the farm:
- Cost tracking
- Completed work tracking
- Billing, if you are a farm management company which needs to bill customers for the completed work
- Compliance and reporting. Document what farm work has been completed and when
If we search the internet for “farm work tracking”, we will find many different solutions (manual and GPS based). I am sure all these solutions have their strengths. The tricky part is to connect that information with the actual field / planting. Because, at the end of the day or season we want to see the completed work information for each field and planting. Sure, we can do the import / export data and tie it all together, but that is a lot of work. Wouldn’t it be nice to have it all in one place?
Completed farm work tracking in AgNote
Since AgNote was prototyped by an actual farm manager, it just makes sense that most things such as completed tasks, inputs, spray applications, files, scouting results are tied to the actual crop planting or season. By connecting all these data pieces to the crop planting, we will have a complete visibility of our farming operation.
Here are some of the highlights of completed farm work tracking inside AgNote:
- Assign cost to each work task. If you have multiple farms or farmland areas in AgNote, you can assign a different price for each task
- Dedicated completed tasks management area. This management area provides an excellent visibility on what work has been completed for each crop planting
- Batch add completed farm work to many plantings at once
- Configure AgNote so it automatically records completed work for crop planting, harvesting, and spray / input applications
- Powerful completed work invoicing. An excellent option for farm management companies which need to invoice customers for the work they completed.
Here are some screenshots of completed task management inside AgNote’s farm management software:

Of course, the best way to see completed task recording in AgNote is to try it out for yourself. Just register for a free trial and take it for a test spin. Registration will take less than one minute!