Canada is known in the world for producing high-quality and diverse agricultural products. Canada is a major producer of various crops that are used for food, feed, fuel, and industrial purposes. Some of the most grown crops in Canada are wheat, canola, potatoes, barley, corn, fruits, and vegetables.
Just like any other farmer in the world, farmers in Canada face different challenges in order to stay profitable. Challenges such as climate change, market fluctuations, rapidly changing regulations and many other factors that affect farmer’s profitability. It would be fullish to say that farm management software will fix all those challenges, but it can help. Practical farm management software will give farmers an improved visibility of which areas perform well, and which would benefit from further improvements.
AgNote – farm management software for farmers in Canada
What makes AgNote different is its practicality. We believe that less often really is more. Each functionality in AgNote serves a practical purpose for the farmer and further simplifies farm management.
AgNote includes dedicated management areas for row, permanent and vegetable crops. Each crop type has distinctive characteristics, therefore it would not be practical to manage them all in one place. Here you can learn more about the key features included in AgNote. You can register for a free trial account and take AgNote for a test spin.
Row crop management in AgNote

The row crop management area in AgNote provides farmers with a simple interface where they can focus on the current season, view crop history, and plan the next plantings. There farmers can easily manage inputs, spray application, work task, irrigation and attach dedicated files for each planting. AgNote includes many batch functionalities, so farmers can record inputs, spray applications, and complete work quickly.
Annual Harvest View
The annual harvest view is unique to AgNote. This view is an extension for row crop management area. Any currently planted row crop can be moved into annual harvest view. Row crops which have multiple harvests are prime candidates for annual harvest view. This view provides farmers with a better focus on each individual harvest. A good example can be alfalfa planting, which is planted in the field for many years and is harvested (cut) multiple times in a calendar year.
Permanent crop management

While a majority crops grown in Canada are row crops, Canadian farmers also farm permanent crops such as maples, apples, grapes etc. Canada produces approximately 71% of the world’s maple syrup.
In permanent crop management area, growers have a clear visibility on individual crop seasons. There, farmers can manage the current season, view previous seasons, and plan the upcoming one.
The permanent crop management area allows growers to track crop details down to the rootstock. There, growers can add multiple varieties in one field and specify plant and row spacing. If you are growing multiple permanent crops, for example maple trees and grapes, AgNote will put each crop on its own page. This way growers can easily focus on each crop individually.
Vegetable crop management

AgNote’s vegetable (produce) crop management area has unique functionalities for vegetable crop growers. Here are few specific functionalities that you will find in vegetable crop management area:
- Field splitting. In AgNote’s vegetable management area growers can split fields into smaller sections. It is quite common for vegetable growers to grow multiple crops and/or varieties in the same field. There you can also record harvested yield for each section (block).
- Season planning. In vegetable crop management area, growers can have up to three plantings for current and next year. This allows growers to plan out their seasons since vegetable crops often come with stricter coordination.
- Harvest date estimation. Often, for vegetable growers, it is particularly important to know when the crop will be ready for harvest. AgNote intelligently can estimate harvest date based on what and when was planted.
Try AgNote
AgNote supports US customary and metric unit systems, therefore it is available for all farmers in the world. At the moment AgNote is in English language only, but support for other languages will be added in near future. You can register today and try AgNote free for seven days. Registration will take less than one minute and does not require any payment methods. Thank you!